Oscar Optics, Inc.
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Professional Service, Quality Products, Competitive Pricing

Oscar Optics is your full service lab. We have complete advanced equipment and facility from lens casting through AR coating operations. Our can-do attitude, complete product line and integrated fullfillment system provide you with fast and reliable delivery products and service.

Vast selection of lenses:

With the most powerful OptoTech freeform polisher, Oscar Optics provides full line of atoric backside digital freeform lenses, progressive, bifocal and single vision.

- HD Digital Freeform EVO Series. - HD Digital Freeform Golf Series.
- HD Digital Freeform Indoor Series. - HD Digital Freeform Infinity Series.
- HD Digital Freeform Drivewear Series. - HD Digital Freeform FT28 Series.
- Plastic CR-39 - Polycarbonate.
- Trivex - Mid Index
- High Index


High Quality AR Coating:

With the most advanced nano technology, we provide series of high quality AR options to ensure that your patients get the best value in easy to clean, scratch resistant anti-reflective lenses while maintaining quick turn-around time on your orders.

- Nano Basic AR
- Nano Crystal AR
- Nano Crystal Preminum AR


Professional Service:

- Customized service to meet individule requirement.
- Advanced equipment for fast precise lab job.
- Full selection of lenses and coating.
- Easy ordering.