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Oscar FreeForm Progressive - Indoor


HD FreeForm Progressive INDOOR is a true “indoor” extended focus progressive lens designed for wearers who perform visually intensive indoor activities.

Oscar HD FreeForm INFOOR range offers clear added value for the purposes of indoor activities, where good eyesight at intermediary distances is the primary concern.

It is not suitable for driving purpose.


Lens Material:

CR-39 PlasticPolycarbonate1.56 PlasticHi-Vex (Poly, Drill Mount)
Hi-index 1.61 DrillableHi-index 1.67 DrillableUltra Hi-index 1.74 DrillablePolarized CR-39
CR-39 PhotochromicPoly Photochromic1.56 PhotochromicHi-Index 1.61 Transition, Drillable
Hi-Index 1.67 Transition DrillableCR-39 TransitionPoly TransitionUltra Hi-Index 1.74 Transition Drillable

Features and Benefits:

∴ 180⁰ distance zone

∴Oscar FreeForm GOLF vs conventional progressive

Power Range: +6.00~-10.00
Cyl: -6.00
Add Power:+0.75~+3.50
Diam. ∅65mm, ∅70mm, ∅75mm

• Suggested minimum fitting height: 26mm