Oscar Optics, Inc.
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Oscar FreeForm Progressive - Infinity

With the cutting-edge back side atoric aspheric wavefront correction technology, Oscar FreeForm Progressive - Infinity offers the widest near reading zone.

It is designed for executives who performs extend period of desk type related work.


Lens Material:

CR-39 PlasticPolycarbonate1.56 PlasticHi-Vex (Poly, Drill Mount)
Hi-index 1.61 DrillableHi-index 1.67 DrillableUltra Hi-index 1.74 DrillablePolarized CR-39
Polarized Poly Trivex (Drill Mount)CR-39 PhotochromicPoly Photochromic
1.56 PhotochromicHi-Index 1.61 Transition, DrillableHi-Index 1.67 Transition DrillableCR-39 Transition
Poly TransitionUltra Hi-Index 1.74 Transition Drillable

Features and Benefits:

∴ The widest near reading zone



∴ The most advanced back side Atoric Aspheric Wavefront correction technology



∴ Enhanced viewing performance for intermediate and near reading zones.



Power Range: +6.00~-10.00
Cyl: -6.00
Add Power:+0.75~+3.50
Diam. ∅65mm, ∅70mm, ∅75mm Suggested minimum fitting height: 26mm ~ 32mm